Nothing beats the sight of dogs joyfully playing in the snow. But truth be told, not all dogs take to snow like a duck to water. Some give the white stuff the cold shoulder (pun intended). Does your dog gaze out at a fresh pack of snow and look at you as if to say, “no thanks?” If your dog refuses to go pee or potty in the snow this can be a real problem. Fear not, in this article we’ll discuss 3 potential reasons why your dog doesn’t like the snow and offer solutions to resolve them.

Why Does My Dog Hate the Snow?

1. Your Dog is Too Small to Walk in the Snow

Sinking deep into snow can cause apprehension and downright fear in some small dogs. They can feel trapped and unable to escape the snow. Small dogs like Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, or low-to-the-ground dogs like Corgis and Dachshunds lack the leg length, strength, or height to power through snowdrifts like a large breed dog can (such as Labrador retrievers and German Shepherds). They are more apt to feel the snow and ice on their underbellies than long-legged dogs.

Shovel a Cleared Pathway for Your Dog to Walk Through the Snow

Designate a space near your backdoor that is kept snow-free and usher your dog on a leash, if necessary, to that place for them to potty. Be encouraging and try luring them with small healthy treats. By shoveling a path that your dog can easily walk on, it will help increase their comfort level in going potty outside in the winter.